I design spaces that open a new chapter in your life
Realizuje Wasze wizje. Tworzę eleganckie, przemyślane aranżacje, które odzwierciedlają unikalny charakter mieszkańców.
Pamiętaj, że w każdej chwili możesz się ze mną skontaktować: +48 504 060 914
I am a graduate of the Academy of Fine Arts in Wrocław. During my work as an interior architect, I have created homes for many people. By this, I mean commissioned projects that made them truly feel at home.
Do swojego zawodu podchodzę z pełnym profesjonalizmem, dlatego cenię sobie zdanie i przede wszystkim  zadowolenie klienta.
My services
See what I specialize in
I am a passionate interior architect, ready to transform your spaces into unique masterpieces.
Interior Design
Comprehensive interior design
with documentation and visualizations.
Interior arrangement
Assistance in styling stylish interiors,
material and color selection
2D/3D views
We offer professional 2D and 3D interior design, providing you with visualizations to facilitate your understanding
Interior furnishings
Guidance by the architect on all interior furnishings
Author's supervision
Additional author's supervision available
during project implementation
Service packages
Discover how I work
Whether you are looking for subtle improvements or a comprehensive transformation, our diverse service packages are tailored to different levels of needs. We aim to create a unique space for you, reflecting your lifestyle and individuality.